Most Important SEO Tips For Blogger Part 2 Computer IT Help 86 | Best Urdu & Hindi Tutorials



Must Have SEO Settings for Blogger Blog:

Most Important SEO Tips For Blogger Part 2
In the first part of this series I've learned how to improve the title tags, titles and comments on Blogspot blog device. Today you will learn how to improve the files and how Robot.txt blog blogger configuration file, as well as some tips on Meta Description Search and participation may description.Si were not referred to in the first part of our tutorial after so well read this first:

5.How Can Optimize Archives of Blogger Blog By Saftain Azmat:

Most of the files and create a problem for the robots search engines because this link URL and file hard link URL (real) for the same position, which causes confusion for the search engines robots. So we have to tell the search engines is not the actual URL. We need to change some HTML attributes to it, follow these simple steps:
Log in to Blogger
Go to HTML template >> follow >>
Find the code below
<a class='post-count-link' expr:href='data:i.url'>
  • Replace the above code with the following code
<a rel="archives" class='post-count-link' expr:href='data:i.url'>
  • Save the form that have been made to the archives.

6.How Can Enable Meta Description & Post Search Description By Saftain Azmat:

A description of your blog page, and each function is necessary to improve SEO. By default, this option is disabled on the Blogger interface, so we will have to enable this option in the new interface and Blogger. Even To do this, follow the steps below to quickly:
Log in to Blogger
Go to Settings >> Search Preferences enable Meta Tags >> Yes
Send letters to 150 meta description

How Can Custom Robots Header Tags Settings By Saftain Azmat:

Below, the same configuration page to find a custom labels robots head. And put in the picture below:
custom robots header tags settings

Now you will see a small box [Description Search sidebar next to each new post, so you can write 130-150 research unique characters description of each individual entry. It must be unique in the message title.

7.How Can Changing Static Meta Description By Saftain Azmat:

Blogger default on some models of older models and blogger third party is not the old fixed code meta description. Even to do the right things we need to change the old law with the new. Follow these simple steps:
Log in to Blogger
Go to HTML template >> follow >>
Paste the following code immediately after the <head>
<b:if cond='data:blog.metaDescription != &quot;&quot;'>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription' name='description'/>
  • Save the form and did Lamita Description

How Can Adding a Custom Robot.txt file in Blogger By Saftain Azmat:

Use this option carefully because they can destroy your site's ranking in a matter of seconds. At the same time, the proper use of this option is useful to your blog. Therefore, if you can not use it properly, then they must be used. Robots.txt file to add custom file for a form of your blog just follow these steps:
Log in to Blogger
Go to Settings >> Search Settings
Without finding the custom page robots.txt file (see figure below)

Custom Robot.txt file for blogger

  • Select Yes to tolerance allocated robots.txt file content
  • And then paste the code in it
User-agent: Mediapartners-Google
User-agent: *
Disallow: /search?q=*
Disallow: /*?updated-max=*
Allow: /
  • Green URL change the URL of your blog
  • Save the changes that are all in order blogger robots.txt file

  • Dear readers, if you have questions / issues please ask through the comment box below. Follow us also on the social networking site and share this message with your friends.

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