How to SEO Optimize Blogger Labels Links? Computer IT Help 86 | Best Urdu & Hindi Tutorials



How to SEO Optimize Blogger Labels Links?
Hey guys, do you know what bloggers do? Blogger labels are links that when we add a new entry. We can supply many of the signs in addition to one post. These tags are essentially labels, but by default blogger called. Click on the link tag, which opens all messages. He called and responded to it. These marks are used to improve navigation for the user, because if the visitor is visiting your blog for a particular position / page so that he / she may be interested in the functions of your blog. Therefore, the labels in the sidebar is a good idea. But the problem is when robots from crawling search engines your blog, you only need one URL for each page of your crawling and indexing blogs. By default browse all pages and included links tags. So what makes a little confused by robots. Because of his position to obtain only accessible from different directions, that is, files, labels and put the actual URL. Therefore, to avoid confusion between the traffic in search for the best SEO We must change the labels labels for the search engines. Advanced robots become, the label can be identified and the actual URL. Once you add the tag links that do not face any punishment from the search engines such as Google attribute mark.
Now let's start doing it, it is basically a very simple procedure and you've just added a unique feature of the HTML section of your blog. Do not take more than one minute. But I wanted to answer questions on this subject. In my next, then it will teach you how to improve ties comment "in blogger File links in blogger. Now we will start to improve links blogger cards.

How to Optimize Blogger Labels By Saftain?

This is a step that you can do to improve your links blogger. We'll just add an additional feature of our bloggers labels and work for all blogs, now follow these steps:

  • Log in to Blogger
  • Template HTML >> follow >>
  • Check expand widget blogger box mold
  • Now look under a piece of code
<a expr:href='data:label.url'
  • Replace above code with this one below By Saftain Azmat:
<a expr:href='data:label.url' rel='tag'
  • Save your template and you are done and veiw your website see this work.

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