How to SEO Optimize Archive Links in Blogger? Computer IT Help 86 | Best Urdu & Hindi Tutorials



How to SEO Optimize Archive Links in Blogger?
As we discussed in depth SEO blogger. Various letters that cover how to improve the links and how to improve the mark blogger blogger comments already published? So I came up with a similar situation last day, as it is about improving the links in the file blogger. These links have a history of blogs, if ordered by the month and year or days and weeks. Thus, the links within the files that are aimed at different locations in the blog published in the past. These files are basically links can create problems robots search engines like duplicate content our tracking blog. Because, as already mentioned in my previous that should be page one direction only search engines to crawl. Create different problems for search engines and site owner as well as trends. Because create duplicate content issues that are very detrimental to the blog.

How to Avoid Search Engines From Crawling Archives By Saftain Azmat?

We do not need to be done to prevent the search bots to explore the archive pages, because we have to add one additional feature of the HTML part of our blog and that will resolve the issue. Follow these steps to resolve the problem today:

  • Go to blogger
  • HTML template continue >> >> >> check expand widget template
  • We now have a line of code in your template

<a class='post-count-link' expr:href='data:i.url'>
Just replace the code above with this:
<a rel="archives" class='post-count-link' expr:href='data:i.url'>
Remember the heart and go. This will tell the search engines "that the link is a page file to automatically understand and follow-up.

How Can Additional Tips By Saftain Azmat

Also if you go to any advice of your blog and do the following, it is possible that the search engines and other archival pages and pages of unnecessary can not crawl. The performance of the following methods to make progress in the development of a new interface SEO blogger. Just take the following steps:
  • Go to Blogger Dashboard
  • Find identify Preferences >> scroll down and see the words allocated capital robots
  • Edit >> Yes, and now make this environment appears in the image below
How to SEO Optimize Archive Links in Blogger?

Save the template and added a feature to index all the pages of the file.

Additional information:

I am very concerned about the SEO blogger and be on the Osov touch I always update the SEO blogger and new tricks updates. You can ask any questions about this letter in the comments section, I will be happy to answer your questions.

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