8 Killer SEO Tips For Blogger Blog 2014 Part 1 Computer IT Help 86 | Best Urdu & Hindi Tutorials



SEO is absolutely essential that users have to achieve a high level in any search engines.It ensure your blog gets higher visibility in the search engines and users enter a larger share of the market. In other words, we can say SEO is something really really serious today. You must have a thorough knowledge of the functioning properly to their clients and their own websites.Here is setup your step to get a better ranking in all search engines blog step.

1. Optimizing Blog Post Titles By Saftain Azmat:

Here are the steps that must be followed so that you can easily improve your career called your to get a high ranking in the search results.
Log in to Blogger
Go to HTML template >> follow >>
Find the code below
  • Replace the above code with the following code
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'> <title><data:blog.title/></title> <b:else/> <title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title> </b:if>

2. Optimizing Headings in Blogger By Saftain:

Default or old blogger blogger templates in a third party, H3 HTML title tag else, but for best results, use SEO for H1 and H2 under the blog post titles. Here are the steps so that we can strengthen the Job Titles H3 for H2 addresses.
Log in to Blogger
Go to HTML template >> follow >>
Find "H3"
Replace any H3 with H2 in your Blogger template.

3. Optimizing Labels in Blogger Blog By Saftain:

Let me first of all pointed out that the labels and tags are the same things that he had never fallen into error, that all use of the blogger labels to improve user navigation. But most of the time to create a problem for the robots of search engines, permanent address as described well (real URL) point to the same position causing confusion for robots of search engines. So we have to tell the search engines is not the actual URL. We need to change some HTML attributes to it, follow these simple steps:
Log in to Blogger
Go to HTML template >> follow >>
Find the code below
<a expr:href='data:label.url'
  • Replace the above code with the following code
<a expr:href='data:label.url' rel='tag,nofollow'
  • Save the template and everything is done tags results

4. Optimize Comments on your Blog By Saftain Azmat:

Commenting is very good for your blog, but the problem is that the link comments relevant to cancel the arrangement in search of your blog. We must therefore maintain our links nofollow nofollow or external comments. This feature direct the search robots do not follow or external URLs index in the comments, just follow these steps:
Log in to Blogger
Go to HTML template >> follow >>
Find the code below
  • Replace the above code with the following code
rel='external nofollow' expr:href='data:post.createLinkUrl'
  • Save the template and everything in comments


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