Understanding How Keywords Work in Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? Computer IT Help 86 | Best Urdu & Hindi Tutorials



Seo people talked, I learned that there may be some confusion about exactly how the keyword in the search engine optimization work. So, before you actually start the process of searching for keywords. This will help lay a solid foundation of how to use the keywords necessary for SEO first.

Tip No,01.What is a Keyword SEO By Saftain:

Let's dive in appearance exactly what is the word! A word can be just a word, but it can also be a descriptive term used to describe what you want. To illustrate this, we say that we are in the business pens.

Tip No,02.How Can Base Keywords SEO (Search Engine Optimization) By Saftain Azmat:

We consider that we have a website that sells feather arrangements. We want to classify abviously then people will write in the search box to find our products. Some words that can come up with are:
  • Feathers
  • Sign
  • Discrimination etc ..
These types of words represents the root of the word is often called key basis.

Tip No,03.How Can Modifier Keywords SEO (Search Engine Optimization) By Saftain Azmat:

The presence of the keyword does not say much, and I'm looking for user search? To add more information to understand the word more quickly from that key, sought what? This kind of talk which offers additional ideas generally known rates. Developing more rates and to clarify the meaning of the word. Take a few examples of the basic rate for words.
  • Ball
  • Permanent marker
  • Liquid discrimination

Tip No,04.How Can Extender Keywords SEO (Search Engine Optimization) By Saftain Azmat:

Understand the intent of the research is in fact very capable SEO value and switch from not playing a very important role. You can add additional work or added words to the keyword basic rates and promoting the importance of the word and is often called the expanded words. This helps to understand the purpose of keywords. Here are some examples:
  • Points of blue balls
  • Black permanent markers
  • Green liquid signs
It is important to know that search engines do not have the basics, rates and extensions in the system. You can mix your order without having to worry about strange mixture of search engines. You can see that this is the case of "black permanent markers", the user can easily use the word "Permanent Marker black" and the search engine query may be understood in the same way. Now that you understand the words of an expanded base amendment. It is important now that we understand the difficulty of rating these keywords in the search engines. I will share my views with you in the future :) stay tuned stations.

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