Top Ten Security Tools For Your Smartphone By Saftain Azmat Computer IT Help 86 | Best Urdu & Hindi Tutorials



Top Ten Security Tools For Your Smartphone By Saftain Azmat

If you forget your phone somewhere or if it is stolen you can understand that this is a big loss for you. How much of your valuable data in the phone is on. The sol is reset the security applications installed in your smartphone that will minimize the risk of damage. Nowadays numerous security applications or bargains are available absolutely free. This is a matter that falls even if you buy an application can not be avoided. Very little money because it does not mean to avoid major damage. And the second thing is that when we buy thousands of rupees valuable smartphone if it's an application for protection is to buy a big deal.
The special feature of these applications is the location tracking phone wherever you are, there will be location aware. This feature is not necessarily only be used for fear of theft, but also for family protection feature. For example, all members of the family have been informed of such applications that can be easily installed if the time where it is present. Especially for parents to monitor students can use these applications.
Hundreds of applications are available in this regard. Ten of which we have chosen the best for you. So let's cut them

Outlook Outlook Mobile Security

Lookout is a free application that is available for iOS and Android device every time the various threats such as
Secure Wi-Fi networks, dangerous applications, etc. reserves fraudulent links. In addition, this application will help him make a backup of phone book contacts can be accessed online. If the device crashes or if it will fly back up data from the phone book back to the store can be recycled.
In this sense it is a smartphone application that provides security, despite the phone's GPS location in Google Maps may show. Despite saylnt mode phone also can play high alarm. These features are present in its free version available. While the premium version which is priced in dollars and thirty three dollars per month, there are several smart features such as remote locking, safe browsing, etc. Scan security threats and privacy protection.

Outlook Outlook Mobile Security

Snap Secure

Snap Secure Application safely and automatically keeps the phone data online backup, which requires the recycling store and can be transferred to a new device. In this application, anti-virus and anti-spyware applications, there is a new install scan for malware. There is also a call blocking feature. Such calls from unknown numbers and the numbers do not show which can block. In addition to its applications through the BlackBerry e-mails can be blocked on the Android unnecessary SMS can also be blocked.

The Privacy Manager tells the phone how the applications are accessing your personal information. To prevent theft and anti-theft tracker, there is a location from which you can know where you are going to steal the phone. Its best feature is called Personal Guardian. This is the emergency option. In emergency situations, use the same e-mail, SMS or more of which may be present in your location would be.
'Snap Secure, iOS, Android and BlackBerry devices is available. Both the Free and Professional versions are available. The best features available in the Professional version of the thirty day free trial version is also available. While the price of four dollars per month and eighteen dollars annually.
Snap Secure

The mobile security guard

BullGuard online account with the application you get a smart phone with the help of which the rymutly can be reached. It is also present in the mobile security manager who works via GPS. If you lose the phone rymutly can delete all the data it contains. The Parental Control module (Parental Control module), which also lets you access the phone despite not having children can be kept safe. Anti-virus, Anti-spyware, spam, firewall, phone book backup / re-store the SIM card protection features are also available.
Bill guard Android, symbyyn, is available for Windows Mobile and Blackberry and the price is thirty dollars.

The mobile security guard

Eye tracking hound phone and Family

iHound for families because it is the best application for tracking several tools exist. The safety device is also a good application. The hound GPS location of the phone to check the report provides. There is also the option that the alarm mode being saylnt phone rings. If you use this application on Android rymutly data can also be deleted and the phone is locked.Ten dollars annually.

Eye tracking hound phone and Family

McAfee wace Secure

McAfee also iOS, Android, BlackBerry, and Windows Phone symbyyn has made an excellent security application. Other applications, like all the features that are available in the rymutly to delete data, backup / recycling store, location and tracking, etc. SIM. Sam tracking through the system may also know that the device is applied, and the numbers in the SIM which is going to call. Secure vivo contacts rather than just photos and videos can also be backup.
Location tracking system that tells not only the device but also identified other locations on the map which can be known that the device is present on the sites. Despite being off the GPS feature works. Twenty dollars is the cost of the application.

McAfee wace Secure

Casper Sky Mobile Security

'Kyspraskayy mobile' security features in the application, but most features are symbyyn and Windows Mobile devices. The anti-theft, anti-virus, anti-spam, privacy protection, data encryption, and firewall Parental control is present. Location tracking feature that can be done through the mobile. Its unique feature is that the SIM card in the phone to change the data in the device may be deleted. Private mode feature is also very useful because incoming calls and SMS through this manual, auto and rymutly mytkly can hide. If you have any of the phone, it will be shocked to see that they can not reach your personal data. It costs fifteen dollars, while seven day free trial is also available.

Casper Sky Mobile Security

F-Secure Mobile Security

If you have an Android, or Windows Mobile phone using symbyyn you would like azmanh to F-Secure. It offers protection from viruses and malware. The Parental Control, Safe Browsing, location tracking and call / SMS blocking options are available. This application is a cost forty dollars. If you want something completely free of the Anti-Theft Application can be downloaded from the following link:
Mobile phone in case of theft or lost identifies the location of the mobile phone to delete the existing data with the ability to lock rymutly it exists.
F-Secure Mobile Security

Norton Mobile Security Lite

The mention of Norton, that the company is a leading maker of anti-virus. It's available for mobile phone security applications is unfortunately only available for Android. This application protects the phone from viruses and malware from stealing the other applications in the phone's location tells it to delete the data, as well as the option to lock it also gives rymutly .
Browsing on mobile phone while protecting the privacy guard. These phones can scan the applications that can be known about if an application is not dangerous or suspicious. Calls and SMS blocking feature is also present in this. This application can be downloaded free from the Android Marketplace is.
Ayuast for the anti-virus is one of the famous company. PC features such as anti-virus is the best performance available for the security of their mobile application was also good.

Norton Mobile Security Lite

Avast mobile security

Mobile Security for Android is available only ayuast. It is important to mention that there are several features and applications it is absolutely free. If you compare ayuast other free and commercial applications when it will meet all the features plus a few other features.
The Real-Time Protection, customizable updates, privacy reports, Web Shield, call and message filtering, firewall and application manager is present. If the device is stolen phone book to store all the other recycling options are in it, in fact, the backup feature is not. The device location can be determined, this data can be deleted is rymutly, rymutly phone can be blocked, the emergency alarms can be set up even if no SIM in the phone will exchange its alert Can also be charged.
As a unique feature in the App Disguiser installed applications with the help of which can be renamed. Mobile in case of theft of such personal data is a little complicated to reach. The Stealth Mode for what disappears is said to be ayuast. The thief does not even know that they are being tracked.

Avast mobile security

Gadget track

GadgetTrak application is only available for iOS. Not only does it track a stolen cell makes up the image of the thief. Tracking your device's location in a nsahdy is that you can easily know where the device is located.
GPS location tracking can be obtained online are better off, but when it is possible to know the location of the device. With the help of this application settings can be locked, so the change is not possible. To delete the applications may also be banned. Including any theft gadgets such applications will not be able to delete the track. This application is available at the App Store, covers four dollars.

Gadget track


Privacy and security should be a matter of regret and repent later is better than no security applications already use.You can substantially compromise.

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