SEO Myths, Misnomers, and Mistakes Part 1 Computer IT Help 86 | Best Urdu & Hindi Tutorials



SEO Myths, Misnomers, and Mistakes Part 1
Bloggers today + Best cafe (BBC) to solve some of the facts from fiction and want to discuss some of the errors and myths that people have when it comes to on-page optimization side and search engine optimization (SEO) plays an important role in improving the visibility in the search engines and increase revenue. Some of the most common SEO myths.

Tip No,01. Meta Keywords SEO (Search Engine Optimization) By Saftain Azmat:

First let's discuss the dead words, begins almost all blog optimization here, it is useful to know that the dead are dead and words should not be used. Meta words found in the definition and we have a head there to help the search engines to find what is the site for the past. However, these days search well enough to identify the subject of a web site without meta words engines.
An official statement will Google Checkout service not use the keywords meta tag There Index
Unfortunately, you will see that many of the sites are still used these days metadata words that do not contribute! It is reported that there have been those used to determine weather your junk. So, the best practices to avoid them. One area where the descriptive issues is the meta description, is information in the search results as described fragment site. Thus, it is certainly important for proper use. You should now Google only displays 155 characters on results and Bing shows 165 characters.

Tip No,02. Duplicate Title Tags SEO (Search Engine Optimization) By Saftain Azmat:

Search engines are smart but they are just machines. Sometimes the search bots are struggling to decide what the most appropriate keywords on your page. So to overcome this creeping across in search of more clues. They are looking for additional evidence as pages HTML, Meta tags and description or anything that could help. However, if two pages duplicate the same idea as the title or duplicate meta description. It is actually index of the robot research. So consider the double seam title tag and meta description Engine and bad manners, and can actually penalize page.Well create title tags unique noting that Google currently allows 62 characters and Bing allows 57 characters for the title. He described the dead as if they are too long to get cut off. Personally, I find the shortest contain CTR on top of search results.

Tip No,03. Keyword in Title Tag SEO (Search Engine Optimization) By Saftain Azmat:

We will talk Another common mistake people make the sites. In our justice his word in your page title tag has recently become a problem. Many people do not realize that the word is added in the title tag may actually hurt them in the search engines. In early 2012 Google create a penalty is called Penguin. Penguin in fact very focused on several Web sites optimized for search engines. Sites that have your keywords in the title tag, URL, meta description and content taken often by penguins. This was in fact a direct result of traditional SEO. Pressure commissioning strongly enough against this punishment title tag. For example look "pet traing revealed" in Google. As you can see the next word in the cat "developers" formation is not in one of the results of variables titles or meta descriptions, and there are fragments of the key, but not exactly the result.

SEO Myths, Misnomers, and Mistakes Part 1

Best Practices with Title Tag and Meta Description:

Even the best practices with the title tag and meta description is:
  • The use of words change in title and description
  • Do not use the exact word either in the title or description
  • Create a title and description for a person not robots
  • Use short card and address of the bridge.

Tip No,04. Bolding Keywords SEO (Search Engine Optimization) By Saftain Azmat:

Misnomers is bold words last only wants to die. There are still a lot of people who think that if we used an HTML tag on Google brand light feature on the improvement. It's wrong here is a video from Google, Matt Cutts said that Google has something to do with labels bold letters or nothing strong.

Tip No,05. Using Keywords in H1 Tag SEO (Search Engine Optimization) By Saftain Azmat:

SEO myth about the end of the day is the main use of your keywords on the label. This practice is no longer working. "Rand Fishkin" His SEOmoz conduct a thorough investigation, and keywords found on the label were not working. Here is the link can be verified.
I advise you to use a unique label for the best user experience, but not for SEO. These are some of the major myths and misnomers error found in all parts of the optimization of the bowels of a website. It is clear that there are many others, and we will discuss in the following sections of this series. Exchanged views in your comment box. Stay in listening:)

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