Now Lets Enjoy Wifi Urdu & Hindi Video Tutorial BY Saftain Azmat Computer IT Help 86 | Best Urdu & Hindi Tutorials



Now Lets Enjoy Wifi Urdu & Hindi Video Tutorial BY Saftain Azmat

Wi-Fi (or wrong but often, Wi-Fi) is the local wireless technology that allows the device letter to participate in computer networks using the bands UHF 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radio SHF ISM.
Wi-Fi Wi-Fi Alliance, which is defined as any (WLAN) product "LAN wireless" on the basis of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) "(IEEE) 802.11." [1] However, the term "Wi-Fi" is used in the English language as a synonym for "WLAN" because most modern wireless local area networks based on these standards. "Wi-Fi" is a trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance, and "Wi-Fi CERTIFIED" brand can be used by Wi-Fi products that successfully complete interoperability tests and a certificate of Wi-Fi Alliance.
Many devices can use Wi-Fi, for example, personal computers, game consoles, smart phones, digital cameras and tablet PCs and digital audio players. These can connect to a network resource such as the Internet via a wireless access point network. This access point (or hot) has a range of about 20 meters (66 feet) inside and more outside group. Hot coverage can include such a small one-room area with walls that prevent radio waves, or several large square kilometers, which have been obtained using multiple access points that overlap.

Video # 1 (Installation of VM WorkStation & Backtrack Software)

Video # 2 (Full Method in URDU)

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