How To Use Voice Option In AVS Video Editor Class 7 Computer IT Help 86 | Best Urdu & Hindi Tutorials



How To Use Voice Option In AVS Video Editor Class 7

Sound recording and reproduction

Recording and playback sound is electrical or mechanical inscription and re-create sound waves, such as spoken voice, singing, musical instruments, or sound effects. The two main classes of technology to record sound and record analog and digital recording. This is achieved by analog audio recording veil barrier small microphone can detect changes in air pressure (acoustic sound waves) and save it as a chart of the sound waves in the center such as the phonograph (which senses the pen slots in the record). When recording on magnetic tape, sound waves vibrate the diaphragm of the microphone and become a variable electric current, which is then converted to a variable magnetic field by electrolysis, which leads to a sound representation as areas of magnetic strip of plastic with a magnetic coating. Analog sound reproduction is the reverse process with the increase speaker diaphragm cause changes in atmospheric pressure to form acoustic sound waves. Can also be electronically generated sound waves are recorded directly from devices such as bar of an electric guitar or synthesizer without the use of sound in the recording process of the need for musicians to hear how they play during the recording sessions.
Digital recording and re-conversion of analog audio signal picked up by a microphone into a digital form through the scanning process. This allows audio data is stored and transmitted a greater variety of media through. Digital audio recording in the form of a series of binary numbers which represent amplitude samples for voice signal at intervals equal stores, a relatively high rate for the transfer of all samples sounds can be heard. Is a digital recordings of better quality than analog recordings is not necessarily because they have a loyalty higher (in the broad frequency dynamic range response), but because the digital format can avoid the loss of both quality and found in analog recording because of the noise and electromagnetic interference in the reproductive, and mechanical deterioration or damage to storage media. You must convert the digital audio signal to analog form during operation before being applied to speaker or headphones.

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