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Downloa Skype For All Windows By Saftain Azmat

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This Today Topic=Downloa Skype For All Windows By Saftain Azmat


Skype / skaɪp / program is the product of telecommunications applications that specialize in video chat and voice calls to provide computers and tablets and mobile devices over the Internet with other devices or mobile / smart phones. [17] Users can also send messages and share files, instant images, send video messages, and create conference calls. Skype is available for download for computers running Microsoft Windows or Mac or Linux as well as Android, Blackberry, iOS, smart phones and tablet devices with Windows Phone. Many of these service is free, but users need Skype or subscription to connect to landlines or mobile phones balance. Skype is based on a model freemium.
For the first time in August 2003, Skype has been created by the Dane Janus Friis and Niklas Zennström Swedish, in cooperation with the Estonian Heinla Ahti, elves Tallinn Priit Kasesalu and who developed the background, which is also used for music sharing application Kazaa. [18] In September 2005, eBay acquired Skype in exchange for US $ 2.6 billion. [19] In September 2009, [20] Silver Lake, Andreessen Horowitz, and the investment in the Canadian pension plan for the acquisition of 65% of Skype for $ 1.9 billion in eBay, valuing the company at 2.75 billion US dollars. Skype was obtained later by Microsoft in May 2 ,011-8500000000. Microsoft Skype Division headquarters is in Luxembourg, but most of the development team and 44% of employees in general of the division is still in Tallinn and Tartu, Estonia. [21] [22] [23]
Skype allows users to communicate by voice with the microphone, using a video camera and instant messaging on the Internet. Skype calls to other Skype users are free, while calls charged to fixed phones and mobile phones (via traditional telephone networks) with the user's account on the basis of the discount system called Skype Credit.
Skype originally submitted to the customer peer-to-peer service hybrid. [24] However, since May 2012, Skype is fully powered by supernodes run by Microsoft, which revealed [25] 2013 revelations of mass control that Microsoft has granted the intelligence agencies. Unlimited access to Skype supernodes and content of communication with others. [26]
The program name is derived from "Sky peer-to-peer", which later reduced to "Skyper". However, already taken some associated with "Skyper" domain names. [27] The fall of the "r" left the current title "Skype", which was available domain names. [28]
And banned some network officials Skype on corporate networks, government, home and education [29], citing reasons such as inappropriate use of resources and excessive use of bandwidth and safety problems. [30]
Since February 2012 there were 34 million online simultaneously via Skype; [31] at the end of 2010, there were more than 660 million users around the world with an average of more than 100 million monthly active [32]

Download Skype For All Windows

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