1st Class Of Blogger By Saftain Azmat Computer IT Help 86 | Best Urdu & Hindi Tutorials



1st Class Of Blogger By Saftain Azmat

How to get permission?

It is granted permission to write blog posts on a per-user basis. If you want your plugin or the best-known in a large community of our skin, so please use the contact form to write a letter to the "management".

Please include the name of the plugin or skin that works. Then it will make the necessary changes to your account.

How to get help?

If you have difficulty in creating a blog entry, you can write a letter to the "management" by using the contact form or write a PM infinite.loop.
See also: Djelfa promotion


It is recommended that you write your first article in plain text, for example, in Notepad, and prepare images for display.

Do not write the article in Word or a similar request!
Action Copy / Paste from Word will to the editor on the home page leads to big mistakes in the form!

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